Store Fifty-Two

How To Buy A Diamond

Our professional staff of trained gemologists, master goldsmiths, highly skilled buyers and sales associates provides you with the knowledge and understanding of the four C's of diamonds; cut, color, clarity and carat weight, as you select the diamond that's right for you. A true ideal diamond makes up a very small percentage of the thousands of diamonds cut every year. For every million diamonds mined, only one will meet high enough standards to become a Lux Bond & Green true ideal diamond. An "ideal diamond" is a term used to describe a diamond that has been cut to meet exact standards of proportions, symmetry and polish. The proper combination of these factors maximizes the amount of light that enters the diamond and minimizes the light lost from its sides and bottom. This efficiency produces an exceptionally beautiful and brilliant diamond. When viewed through the diamond viewer, your Lux Diamond will exhibit a perfect arrangement of eight symmetrical and crisp hearts from the bottom and eight equally spaced vivid arrows when viewed from the top.

Store Fifty-TWO

Our Diamonds

Most diamonds are cut to achieve two goals: first, to yield the maximum weight of the rough diamond, and second, to achieve the most beautiful diamond.